Ex Fed Insider Sees Gold Doubling

2 years ago

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There are many people out there who, when they say, “things like gold is going to $3,600 an ounce and Russia is going to peg their currency to gold, and it is going to have to do with oil.” Well, some of that gets swept to the wayside.

But when somebody like Zoltan Poser, who used to work for the federal Reserve and is credited with mapping the shadow banking system and understands the repo market better than anybody and shined a light on the weakness in the repo market after the blow up in September of 2019, so that the Fed could front run those issues to solve them before they ever hit.

When he starts saying something like this, people need to pay attention.

Link to Zoltan's Report: https://plus2.credit-suisse.com/shorturlpdf.html?v=5gjk-YP34-V&t=-7ev7jl105unaw8awa0bdw7c7c

00:00 Video Introduction
00:42 Zolton Pozsar Report
01:47 Repo Market Recap
03:38 Portfolio Allocation Mastery Course
03:54 Could a Price on Russian Oil be Part of the Strategy
05:36 Only Gold Payments to be Accepted
07:50 Paper Markets in Gold

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#ZoltonPozsar #Russia #Oil

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