Miranda Devine: The Concerted Cover-Up of Biden Family Scandals—From the Laptop to China | TEASER

1 year ago

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“There are a lot of secrets that a lot of powerful people don't want told about exactly how our story was suppressed - how Joe Biden was protected from that information before the election…it's very high stakes.”

Today I sit down with New York Post journalist Miranda Devine, author of the 2021 book, “Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide.”

Devine and I explore what we’ve learned since the New York Post first broke the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop in October of 2020.

“I think the Biden family is a sort-of model for how China plays the long game to infiltrate into the highest reaches of American power elites,” says Devine. “And Joe Biden was targeted very early on…back in 1979.”

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Miranda Devine: The Concerted Cover-Up of Biden Family Scandals—From the Laptop to China

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shutterstock Images: https://shutr.bz/2u8Zdp8
Music: Audioblocks.com, epidemicsound.com
Stock Video: Videoblocks.com

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