Musk slams Wiki on deleting TW Files page; NYT Major Strike; Putin warns of NUKE risk, frees Griner

1 year ago

A Wikipedia page that documented the story, titled "Twitter Files Investigations," was deleted by the site's editors on Tuesday. The page was created after independent journalist, Matt Taibbi, revealed the Twitter Files, regarding the Twitter employees' ultimate decision, to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the risk of nuclear war was on the rise. He also admitted that Russia's war in Ukraine could become a “long process.” Meanwhile, Russia freed WNBA star Briteny Griner today, in a prisoner exchange, for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout.

Hundreds of staff members at the New York Times are on strike, for the first time since the1970s, demanding better pay and benefits.

Nebraska Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts, announced that he will seek to replace Ben Sasse who resigned as U.S. Senator.

San Francisco lawmakers reversed an earlier decision to allow police to use robots that can be equipped with explosives.

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