Russia will be held to account for everything it's done against the Ukrainian people

1 year ago

Dec 8, 2022
'Today we have a very important result in France. The Supreme Court of France upheld the decision on recovery in favor of the Ukrainian Oschadbank from the aggressor state. The amount with accrued interest is almost 1.5 billion dollars.
This legal process has been dragging since 2015. More than six years of struggle, tens of thousands of pages of legal documents, many hopes and no less skepticism expressed by some... But there is this victory for Ukraine. Russia will be held to account for all stolen assets of the Ukrainian state and companies' – the Head of the State said on the evening on December 7.
The President also expressed condolences to the relatives of the police officers, who died in the Kherson region as a result of the explosion of a Russian mine. Many police officers serve in the liberated territories which are still strongly contaminated with cruel enemy mines.

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