A POWERFUL Message For the Church | Medically Assisted Suicide

1 year ago

The church used to be the institution that people looked to for guidance, for morality, for help....

Now as a society we look to our political leaders. That can't really be helped because the church has for so long failed to step up when it's been needed most.

This is a tragic story of a man who is contemplating medically assisted suicide. From his very own mouth he admits that he is scared of dying and does not want to. However, in his opinion it would be better than the alternative that he will soon be faced with.

Many people have expressed disapproval and shock at governments that allow this, but in this video we ask the question if it's really governments we should be criticizing. Churches in the western world over the past few decades have continually failed to help out their communities in the ways they claim they should, and in the ways they previously have.


I'm not sure we can find the answer to that. But it's obvious that something needs to change. The church was once a wonderful source of good in the world, and there's many indicators that they can be that again. But they need to step up.

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