What year did the UK left become fascists?

2 years ago

What year did the UK left become fascists? When I was a child in the 1970’s the left was about (well it seemed to me anyway) freedom of art. It seemed that the left was against censorship. Mary Whitehouse who was a religious conservative was mocked for her views about censorship of the TV. It seemed that no one who was even the slightest bit left would consider ever censorship. Indeed such views seemed to be held by a few conservatives. But that has changed. Today the left wing people love censorship and seem to consider those who are pro free speech as right wing. Today fascist ideology is now the bible of many on the left. The extreme control over the media makes Mary Whitehouse’s look mild. Yet such views seem to pass by with few complaints because it is by the left who pretend it is about being kind and modern. It is like someone ripping your arm@off but convincing you it is done out of kindness and should you object it is you who is in the wrong and it is you who do not hold the correct beliefs. Snd let us not start on the comedians and tv presenters who are cowards by not saying it is wrong that comedians are being cancelled from theatres or people are being arrested for making funny cute YouTube vids with a pug dog. These cowards stay silent in fear they will be next to be targeted by the woke mute jobs on Twitter who will demand they are silenced.

Perhaps we need to update the poem.

First they came for the comedian , and I did not speak out—because I feared the Twitter woke mob would turn on me.

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