🔬#MESExperiments 11: Increasing Gyroscope Spin Speed Doesn't Necessarily Increase Rising Rate

1 year ago

In #MESExperiments 11 I go over several gyro rising experiments comparing different gyros to various initial spin speeds in order to understand how the rate of rising is affected by initial spin speeds. I compare 3 different gyroscopes and 2 different initial spin speed types: full speed and a delayed start. The 3 gyroscopes include a small plastic gyro (29.10 grams), a UFO light-up plastic/metallic gyro (134.39 g), and a metallic precision gyro (150.68 g). For each gyro I have placed the experiments side-by-side to better compare their behavior. The delayed start time for the small gyro is 30 seconds, for the UFO gyro it is 1 minute, and for the precision gyro it is 3 minutes. All the experiments had angles very close to 45 degrees from the vertical but it should be noted that even a 1 degree difference can have a drastic impact on the rising rate or even the ability to rise.

The findings show that the small gyro and the UFO gyro rose faster when delayed indicating that slower spin rate helped increase rising rate. But the opposite happened with the precision gyro in that the faster spin speed with no delay rose faster. These are are very interesting findings and require further investigation. It is also important to note that the weight of the gyro spinning mass and non-spinning mass are key components in the gyro's magical ability to rise; and which can even allow the gyro to generate torque over-unity in lifting relatively heavy weight as demonstrated in my game-changing #AntiGravity Part 6 video, https://mes.fm/antigravity-playlist.

Note that the video thumbnail has the full speed rising time shown in the above vertical gyros while the bottom are the initial starting positions of the delayed start gyros.

The full results of each experiment are shown in the accompanying Hive article and Excel File:

View video notes on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-11-increasing-gyroscope-spin-speed-doesn-t-necessarily-increase-rising-rate

Excel File: https://1drv.ms/x/s!As32ynv0LoaIh-53X75dowZjPNboJA

Note that the rising rate increases for the small and UFO gyro but decreases for the precision gyro. Also interesting is the rising rate for the precision gyro is several times smaller than the other gyros. Furthermore the full speed gyros were in the "sleep" or vertical position for longer and as well as taking longer to fully fall down. This may be due to the minimal bearing friction in the vertical position.

Note that further, more detailed experiments are required to quantitatively measure the spin speeds as well as the relative weights of the spinning vs non-spinning mass. Also in the works is that I'm trying to obtain a gyro wheel with no outer casing at all to get a better understanding of how the gyro behaves with no non-spinning mass. I will also be looking to get a battery powered gyro wheel with variable and uniform spin speed control to further understand the magic of gyros; if you are able to make one or know of a place that sells it please get in contact with me at contact@mes.fm.

It is also worth noting that the according to the website I purchased the 150.68 g precision gyroscope from, the weight of the spinning brass disk including the rotating shaft is 112 g. Thus the ratio of the spinning mass to the total weight is 112/150.68 = 0.7433 = 74.33 %. I believe weighing the spinning rotors of the small toy gyro and UFO gyro and comparing the relative spinning mass ratio with the precision gyro may reveal further important information regarding the rising rates; which I will look to dissemble soon.

Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments 12…

Related Videos:

#MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list
DRAFT #MESExperiments video series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft
#AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series
#FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist .


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