🔬#MESExperiments 12: Gyroscopes at Steeper Angles Usually Means Exponentially Longer Rising Times

2 years ago

In #MESExperiments 12 I demonstrate the observation which usually happens when comparing a gyroscope’s rising time with the initial angle at which it is placed; and is that the rising time tends to increase exponentially as the angle is made even steeper. I demonstrate this by comparing the same gyroscope at 4 different angles: 31°, 45°, 54°, and 61°. In each test the gyroscope was spun up with the same power drill and I made sure to compare the gyroscope experiments in which the total time before falling were similar; thus, ensuring that the initial spin speeds as well as the overall gyroscope setup were comparable for each test.

The results of the experiment are tabulated and graphed in the spreadsheet which can be downloaded in this link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!As32ynv0LoaIh-9pOLwowdYSDqPYVA. The 31° gyro rose in 70 seconds, the 45° in 140 seconds, the 54° in 217, and the 61° in 337 seconds. The resulting automated exponential “Trendline” from Microsoft Excel gives the following exponential equation and which matches the data well.

y = 13.863 e^(0.0517x)

Effectively, increasing the angle by approximately double from 31° to 61° results in nearly 5 times the rising time (337/70 = 4.814 ≈ 5).

For full results and data regarding each of the 4 tests performed as well as links to the original unmerged videos, make sure to go over the Hive notes regarding this experiment: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-12-gyroscopes-at-steeper-angles-usually-means-exponentially-longer-rising-times

Note that this gyroscope is the same one used in #MESExperiments 11 and thus had a weight including the stem of 150.68 grams: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-11-increasing-gyroscope-spin-speed-doesn-t-necessarily-increase-rising-rate

Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments 13…

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