Clay Amendments Explained- Part 1

2 years ago

In Part 1 of my Clay Soil Amendments Test, 8 clay amendments are explained.
I am setting up a test of clay soil amendments, and in Part 1 I cover how my test will be set up, the 8 popular clay amendments I am using-- what they are and how they are supposed to work, and my plans for evaluating plant performance in each amended container of clay soil.

Stay tuned for Part 2- where I will show the results of this test!
And be sure to check out my video on how I've improved my clay soil:

00:00 Intro
01:00 How I'm Setting up My Clay Amendments Test
04:03 All-Purpose Sand
06:27 A word on horticultural or sharp sand
07:17 Peat
08:18 Greensand
09:15 Mushroom Compost
10:26 Aged Cow Manure
12:23 Gypsum
13:46 Liquid Lawn Aerator
14:48 Biochar
16:32 Planting in Each Container

#gardeninginclaysoil #claysoil

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