What happened in Texas WAS CRUCIAL... | Texas Ranger Beard Caprock State Park

1 year ago

November 5th Meet My Neighbor Productions travels to the southwest to Texas State Park, Caprock Canyon, where the last remaining plains bison herd remains.

Behind the scenes travel vlog of NATIVE | The Prodigies of an Icon

Produced by:
Meet My Neighbor Productions https://meetmyneighbor.org
Yanasa Ama Ventures https://yanasa.us

Special Thanks to our Grant Partner:
The National Buffalo Foundation https://www.nationalbuffalofoundation.org

Special Thanks to our Film Platinum Sponsors:
Great Range Premium Bison https://greatrangebison.com
Sierra Meat and Seafood https://sierrameat.com
Durham Ranch https://durhamranch.com
Tender Bison https://www.tenderbison.com
Mosquito Park Enterprises

Gold Sponsors:
The Buffalo Wool Company https://thebuffalowoolco.com
Bigelow Fields Bison | Breadhouse https://www.bigelowfieldsbisonranch.com

#land #statepark #nativefilm #texas #fall #bison #buffalo #regenerative #americanbison #foodsecurity #crosstimbersbison #bisonboys

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