The Raw Deal (7 December 2022)

1 year ago


The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 was not a surprise to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who let it happen in order to support the entry of the United States into World War II. James Perloff has done a nice summary overview, where I share key parts of his depiction. While Pearl was a perfect example of LIHOP (Letting it Happen on Purpose), 9/11 was a perfect example of MIHOP (Making it Happen on Purpose), where Dick Cheney appears to have been running the op from a bunker beneath the White House. And I devoted the rest of the show to a discussion of my SCOTUS case (again) and why it was irresponsible of the Supreme Court not to rule in my favor on behalf of the citizens of Wisconsin and other states with abusive Summary Judgment protocols and to implement the 7th Amendment right to trial by jury for all 50 states in accordance with the 14th Amendment.

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