Bandits abduct couple, two varsity students, Islamic cleric, 6 others in Zaria, Zamfara and Niger.

1 year ago

Bandits abduct couple, two varsity students, Islamic cleric, 6 others in Zaria, Zamfara and Niger state.

Suspected bandits have again invaded the Kofar Gayan area of Zaria Local Government Area of Kaduna State and abducted six people. 

A security source who spoke to DailyTrust, said the bandits invaded the area around 11.30pm on Sunday night, October 30, and kidnapped the victims after sporadic gunshots.

Kofar Gayan is an area that recorded frequent abductions of people by bandits including a Customs officer who later regained freedom when he paid ransom after 69 days in captivity.

According to the source, those abducted included Khalifa Ibrahim and his wife, Karima, an Islamic cleric Abdulkadir Alarama, Idris Musa and Ikira Isihaka, all from the Kofan Gayan area.

In a similar development, bandits abducted four persons in Dama area of Gusau, Zamfara State four days ago. 

One Yunusa Idris, who confirmed the incident said the victims include his friend, Kabiru Rabiu Suleiman Tsafe and two students of the Federal university Gusau. 

"Bandits entered dama area Gusau and kidnapped four (4) people including my good friend Kabiru Rabiu Suleiman Tsafe and one staff of the Federal university Gusau who happens to be his room neighbor and two (2) returning students. Sulaiman Lawal Makaman Tudun Wada, a student of Federal university Gusau was one of the four (4) people who were kidnapped yesterday in Damba area Gusau. Please help him with prayers. May God deliver him from their hands." he wrote. 

Bandits also abducted one Shehu Usman, a nursing officer with General Hospital Kagara. 

His friend, Bilyaminu Bala Yahya, who confirmed the incident in a Facebook post, said Usman was abducted in Pandogari, Niger state. 

"A senior colleague of mine at ABU Zaria Department of Nursing Sciences and a Nursing Officer working with GENERAL HOSPITAL KAGARA by name Shehu Usman was kidnapped today in Pandogari, Niger State. Please include him and his family in your prayers. May Allah SWT free him from the kidnappers unharmed and safe. Amin." he wrote.

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