The Church Fathers (Ep. 6) - Dechristianised Britain? God-given Democracy? Labour Party Reforms?

2 years ago

Welcome to episode 6. You clearly enjoy listening to two fathers chewing the fat on contemporary issues. Are you insane or seeking after wisdom? Either way, no matter - we are eternally grateful.

What is the Christian posture towards democracy?
Should we celebrate the so-called 'tyranny of the majority'?
Do we have a better alternative to mob-rule through the ballot paper?
Even if there is overwhelming support for a new policy, can the people still be wrong?
How can the 'people collective' elevate itself to the god of society?
Does God refill old wineskins?
What is the future of the Church in this sceptered isle?

And in the midst of these meaty questions, what can/should we do about it this week in the daily lives and goings-on of our households?

May the peace of Christ be upon you,
Ben and Tom


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Until then, join us for weekly episodes and enjoy the banter, #dadjokes, and down-to-the-root, Biblical analysis of wider culture in the #messywest

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