Pro-coercion Rod Stewart says son (11) collapsed, rushed to hospital after suspected heart attack

1 year ago

The Daily Mail writes on 7 December 2022:

"Rod Stewart has revealed his son Aiden was rushed to hospital in an ambulance with a suspected heart attack after collapsing at a football match - but it was in fact a panic attack.

"The musician, 77, said he went 'blue and unconscious' while playing for his Young Hoops Under-12s team but did not say when this happened.

"Talking to FourFourTwo magazine, he said: 'We thought my boy had a heart attack.

"'He was going blue and was unconscious until he calmed down. It was scary, but it turned out to be a panic attack. The lad wanted to do well, pulled on the Hoops in Scotland for his dad.

"'Another boy fell backwards and banged his head - he's still not back. In all of my days watching football, that's the only time two ambulances had been called."

Yeah, right. It's completely normal to go "blue and unconscious" due to a panic attack in the middle of a soccer game. It's also completely normal to suddenly and unexpectedly collapse, suffer convulsions and die due to dehydration and/or elation.

Perhaps Aiden did have a panic attack, but only after he couldn't breathe or his heart failed to function as normal? That would cause a panic attack in anyone at any time.

Rod is extremely outspoken on the COVID jabs. One year ago, he said he would only allow triple-vaxxed guests into his Christmas party:

"Sir Rod Stewart has voiced his fury at anti-vaxxers and says the only people welcome at his Christmas party will be those who have had both vaccines and a booster. The musician, 76, has received three Covid-19 jabs and admits those who turn down the chance of a vaccine make him ‘angry’.

"He branded so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’ as ‘killers’ for not taking the vaccine as they are more likely to catch and spread the virus. Sir Rod told Times Radio Drive host John Pienaar: ‘It makes me angry, especially in America where they talk about “It’s my right, it’s my freedom.” ‘No it’s not! Because you are a killer, and you can be killed.’"


PolitiFact has 'debunked' the claim Aiden's incident had anything to do with the COVID jab, but do not support their conclusion (as is to be expected). They contacted Stewart's manager, but didn't immediately hear back. The Daily Mail story didn't mention the jab and "said the suspected heart attack was actually a panic attack", therefore the jab couldn't have had any impact on the incident. Right. Very convincing.


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