Sacrifice Your 20s

2 years ago

Sacrifice Your 20s

You have two options when it comes to life.
Both of them involve sacrifice
The first option
In your 20s you start a job earning £35k - you can live the high life - get a car on finance, get your own place, get a few women, live like a successful man, new clothes, new watches and a few kids.
But this will result in you work that job you hate so much till your 65 - you've locked yourself in and now you must sacrifice the rest of your life to pay for your enjoyment.

the second option
in your 20s, you start a job earning £35k - you live like a loser - you get a shitty car or no car at all, you stay with your parents, you stay clear of relationships, you wear shit clothes, you no watches, no kids, you devote all your time and money into building a business that now pays you back £10k a month. You can now quit your job, you can now travel the world, you can now get a decent car out right, you can save up for a house within 2 years and pay it outright, you can get whatever woman you want. and now its your time to enjoy your life, for the next 30/40 years you live like a king, you have time, money, freedom. Everything the prior person doesnt.

The sacrifice must always be paid.

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