Safety Education

2 years ago

The first step in reducing the cost of insurance premiums is getting the number of claims filed under control.
That means better educating employees about the importance of safety on the job.
At Roger Stone Insurance, we have a two-step approach to helping clients achieve this goal.
We begin by conducting a safety awareness meeting with employees, where we discuss the current workplace conditions and the potential dangers.
We then offer strategies designed to reduce or eliminate those dangers in order to bring down the number of claims… and reduce the cost of premiums to the company.
To get employee buy-in to implement these new strategies, incentive plans will be offered, such as paid time off, and Employee recognition rewards for a completely incident free quarter and year.
This gives employees a vested interest in making safety a priority… and can build team spirit in the process.
By increasing employee safety awareness… and incentivizing their cooperation… together you can bring insurance premium costs down.
To find out more, call us and ask for Roger Stone for a no obligation consultation today.

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