Freedom From Concern • Skid Row

2 years ago

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When you live on the streets you get the itch to kill,
for when the law’s by your side it’s just dragging you to jail.
You can loath the concrete, you can pop another pill,
you can work your whole life, or you can live it in a cell.

The junkies in the alleys are withdrawing again.
Mothers, and fathers can’t afford to pay rent.
Minimum wage ain’t enough to live.
Drug deals keep the roof above our heads.
What are you gonna do when you get hurt?
Without health insurance, you can’t take time off work.
McDonald’s doesn’t hire convicted criminals.
The streets are as fair as they are edible.

Seven days a week working a nine to nine,
and you’re still surviving off nickels & dimes.
Cutting corners with every necessity you buy.
Hoping someday your family will thrive.
Grandmas chronic pain requires painkillers.
Without a prescription you purchased from drug dealers.
Now the war on drugs has you serving time.
Now your record is stained from a petty crime.

When you live on the streets you get the itch to kill,
for when the law’s by your side it’s just dragging you to jail.
You can loath the concrete, you can pop another pill,
you can work your whole life, or you can live it in a cell.

Who is Shane Shobey?

Bass & Vocals - Jay Maronen
Guitar & Vocals - Colin Robertson
Drums - Ian McDonald

Recorded, mixed & mastered by Steve McDonald
Art & design by Dan McDonald
Produced by Eric Hinchman

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