they knew that america would be a disaster (JESUS IS TRUE FREEDOM)

2 years ago

you guys i love and hate this weather
been hydroplaning lately (i wanna be hydro planning...get it i just made a weed joke)
now is not the time to fumble w/ camera
you really dunno what's gonna happen in these parts
driving around with a vagina
and here i go...
people don't make good decisions, so no more freedom
all these better choices but still they do the same shit
the monk fruit does not taste the same.
they dunno how to not eat crap
i love how i crack myself up over this stupid ass "joke"
maybe cos it was so obvious how full of shit bernie sanders people can only think they're getting ahead and it's amusing to the rest of us
i am giving you an example of how men should talk to women
i love that lane tho, i really do
the lane ends becuz it has to
there's gonna be an example coming up
that's their fault that they didn't grab a snickers (shoulda got one at the gas station)
just accept that you will be stuck in traffic, a lack of acceptance will drag it out longer
they didn't cut me off don't play victim
politics again, love that segway (obviously)
ya see that guy has to go fast (people that drive a car w/ an engine like that tend to be that way, i always notice em)
that's gonna be the next marketing campaign, damnit all to hell ie america

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