What is a fact about the human body that not many people know about?

2 years ago

What is a fact about the human body that not many people know about?
The human genome is about 8% virus DNA. Over millions of years, various sequences of virus genes have gotten stuck in our DNA and copied faithfully ever since. Most of them are now nonfunctional, but at least a few of them seem to still work and actually code for useful proteins. This suggests that viruses might occasionally serve as a helpful source of mutation in the evolutionary process.
Some people have inner monologue. Some don’t.
That the body’s ph is 7.35 to 7.45 and if any of those scam products that promise to “change the PH of your body” actually worked, you’d be dead.
we have a fifth valve in our hearts that seals up right after we’re born. Apparently anything similar to that afterwards is a huge surgical procedure. The human body is amazing.
Most reflexes never make it to your brain. The sensory aspect travels to the spinal cord and the spinal cord itself sends the muscle movement signals to your limbs.
30% of body waste is excreted via skin
Positive blood type women can have positive and negative blood type babies without issue. Negative blood type women require a shot with antibodies to prevent the mothers immune system from attacking the fetus if it is a positive blood type.
Babys can break their collarbone during delivery. It happens quite often, but heals quickly. My teacher told me that (if it happened to you ofc) you may feel a slightly higher spot on your collarbone, called the callus where the fracture grew back together.
Human eggs are small but big enough to be visible to the human eye
A pregnant woman that has a mild heart attack will be healed from the baby’s stem cells, leaving virtually no tissue damage.
Humans have, on average, just as many hairs on their body as chimpanzees, human hair is just a lot shorter and finer.
The hyoid bone is a bone not attached to any other bones in the human body and is only considered the anchor of the tongue
The surface area of the lungs is about the same size as a tennis court
You can grow a new human being faster than most missing toenails can grow back
When doing surgery were the doctors have to take out some organs, when placing them back, they dont have to be put back In the exact position there meant to be, your body kind of just, moves the organs into the correct position after the surgery
Every minute you shed over 30,000 dead skin cells off your body
Swallowing has a cooldown
If you faint at the sight of your own blood you may have an oversensitive vasovagal response. The theory is that this developed as a survival mechanism, kind of like an opposum playing dead.
Our brains make up, on average, around 2% of our body weight but consume 20% of our caloric intake
There are tiny cilia that spin in a certain direction. If they spin in the opposite direction while you're developing in the womb early on, that is how you get organs transposed onto the opposite side of your body.
The chance of a natural pregnancy with identical triplets is 1 in 200,000,000.
Synovial joint fluid is the most frictionless stuff on the planet (unless they've synthetic'ed something up that recently.) It's SuperLube.
Humans have stripes, we just normally can’t see them. They’re called Blaschko’s lines and form along the paths of embryonic cell migration. The stripes are sort of U-shaped down our front, V-shaped on our back, wavy on the head and face and we have basic, simple stripes on our extremities.
Pregnant women have 50 percent extra blood!
It's possible to pull a jaw muscle while yawning. I found this out the hard way at work one day.
The human body typically only uses 30% of its muscle’s strength. The only times where your body will activate full power is when it’s life or death. The cost of full muscle power is torn muscles, broken bone, stress, and in some cases, lacerations.
Touch between your eyes then push up with your tongue of roof of your mouth, you can barely feel a bone move. If you do this while your nose is stuffed, it will make it drain about a minute later.
Your eyes have a separate immune system from the rest of your body and in a lot of occasions if your body's immune system finds your eyes, they will assume they are a foreign body and blind you.
When you cry and your nose becomes runny, it's actually your tears.
Our bodies have the ability to perform there own bypass procedures. My grandfather went in for a scan and it showed a 100% blockage in one of his major arteries. The image also showed a new portion of the artery starting .25” before the blockage and then rejoining the artery .25” after the blockage completely bypassing the obstructed portion. He had never had surgery before this discovery.

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