Shen Shichong Chinese Landscape Scroll December 4th 2015

2 years ago

Lot 89. Shen Shichong Chinese Landscape Art Hand Scroll; Early 17th Century; 11.25 inches height x 174.75 inches length overall; artwork measuring 11.25 inches height x 52.75 inches length; scroll has original gold silk woven outer cloth case, interior of cloth case has Chinese symbols and signatures that are currently being translated, scroll has a 12.5 inch woven cloth tassel wrap with a white carved jade locking mechanism measuring 1.78 inches x .75 inches, outer scroll has Chinese symbols and red ink stamp with gold and blue silk flowers, these symbols are also currently being translated, artwork of scroll is truly outstanding and detailed, depicting landscape of mountains, trees, gardens, and rock formations with village on hillside and figures walking across bridge, has hand colored highlights of buildings and trees, signatures and seals are on both the left and right ends of the artwork, scroll is protected by a hand made rosewood slide lid box measuring 2.25 inches height x 12.25 inches length x 2.5 inches depth, we are consulting with experts and will give more information on this piece as we receive it, , has minor chip on thumb grip of slide box, woven silk bag has separations, scroll has small liquid stain, otherwise appears to be absolutely complete and original and in excellent condition, please check back for more updates on this important Chinese artifact; Provenance: Inherited Property from consigner, purchased by father of consigner in China in the Early 20th Century, Private Greensboro NC Estate

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