Climbing in Tyrol: Advanced and Expert Routes | Great Lines Tirol

1 year ago

The pitch "Another Day in Paradise" is located in a sector known as "Paradies". It offers wonderfully consistent climbing on a face which becomes more and more exposed the closer you get to the top. After a challenging lower section there is an easier part where climbers can rest. The upper section has several challenging sections, but the route is very well secured and the gaps between the anchors drilled into the rockface are relatively small.
“Great route on a pitch which becomes more and more exposed the closer you get to the top. Steady, consistent climbing which makes you want more.” M.S., Expert Climber
Directions: Travelling from Lienz towards Lavant, there is a road on the right-hand side a few hundred meters after the houses. Take this road towards "Kreithof/Dolomitenhütte" and follow it for around 3 kilometers until you reach a toll booth. Pass the toll booth and continue all the way to the car park at the end of the toll road.

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