Dr Ernest Ehrhardt Relax Sauna testimonial - explains how it can help people

2 years ago

Dr Ehrhardt explains how he uses the Relax Sauna with his patients.
"I've had a lot of patients with neuropathy, with sores that were not healing, bed sores
and a host of problems like that.
I've actually had some people with psoriasis. I have a lot of diabetics that have psoriasis.
I have a 70 71 year old who his left arm was rampant with psoriasis and not the first time but the second time after we control the sugars because it wasn't producing as much insulin
and it started to go away.
They use the relaxed sauna and there's and there's other situations I've seen bed sores yes but the bed sores were on really obese people yeah and these were people with BMIs in the low
fours so they were obese.
I did also notice on a couple of occasions that I had a woman that was well over 300 pounds and I would weigh her before and after yes she first comes in I weigh her she goes into the sauna I weigh her after she goes into and comes out of the sauna and she loses 0.5 percentage points of the fat. About 1.4 pounds. Quite impressive"
Read about the health benefits of far infrared energy here. https://www.relaxsaunas.com/far-infrared.html

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