The Robert Spiro Singers – Beloved Jewish Songs

2 years ago

0:00 Shein Vi Di Levone (Pretty as the Moon)
2:56 Sha Shil (Hush, Be Quiet)
5:58 Oif'n Pripetchick (In the Fireplace)
9:04 Lomir Zich Iberbeten (Come Let Us Make Up)
11:19 Mein Shtetele Belz (My Village Belz)
14:45 Gei Ich Mir Shpatzieren (I Go For a Stroll)
16:48 Der Rebbe Eli Melech (The Rabbi Eli Melech)
19:43 Tum Balalaika (Play Balalaika)
23:00 Ot Azoy Nayt A Shneider (This is the Way the Tailor Sews)
25:20 A Breevele Der Mammen (A Letter to Mother)
31:06 Az Der Rebbe Est (As the Rabbi Eats)
33:19 Rozinkes Mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds)

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