Ep. 78 - Rich Brown 2 - AWS - Are we headed into hard times?

2 years ago

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Rich Brown is co-owner of the American Warrior Society and the co-host of the American Warrior Show, the self defense industries leading podcast.  He and Mike Seeklander teach firearms, tactics and combatives classes to law enforcement, military and responsible civilians.  This show we talk about the landmark Second Amendment Supreme Court case NY Rifle and Pistol Assoc. vs Bruen.  We then move into a discussion about the possibility of hard times and what we need to do to be prepared.  
Rich and Mike have been a huge support to the EvoSec crew, do us a favor and support them by becoming a coin member.  The content you receive as a coined member is unlike any other self defense website out there.  


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Also, make sure you subscribe to and share both their podcast and YouTube channels.  

Check out some of the most recent pivotal shows discussed on the show:

AWS 298 Prepare (special edition)

AWS Episode 283 Emerging Threats - Ukraine

Rich Brown - short bio
- Previously Regional Manager for Preparedness and Government Operations for the American Red Cross
- Previously Corrections Officer and Special Operations Response Team Officer with the Knox County Sheriff’s Department
- Retired Chief Warrant Officer-3 U.S. Marine with more than 23 years of service Rich is a distinguished graduate of numerous schools dealing in all aspects of military operations, law enforcement and corrections. Rich holds belts in Aiki-jūjutsu, Judo, MCMAP and Okinawan Freestyle Karate. Rich is also a published author who holds a B.S. in Social Psychology from Park University. In his spare time, Rich really enjoys shooting in local IDPA matches and writing about himself in the third person

WE ARE PUMPED TO HAVE A NEW AFFILIATE LINK FOR ORIGIN AND JOCKO FUEL!!!  Help support this show by purchasing any of your JiuJitsu gear, Jocko Supplements, books clothing and more... link below.
Origin/Jocko Fuel – Bringing back American manufacturing, producing the best Jiu-Jitsu Gis on the market, Jeans, rash guards, and world class supplements to help you on the path.  Use EvoSec10 at checkout for 10% off, this helps us greatly. 


Tenicor – https://www.tenicor.com they are educators, and innovators in the holster market.  They are firearms instructors themselves, pressure testing their gear in multiple force on force events every year.  We support those who do the work.  

Again patronizing our sponsors helps us greatly. 

Keepers Concealment
Original authority on Appendix Holsters, Appendix Training 
Offer high-Performance Handgun Training - specializing in Concealed Carry Performance. 
Keepers Concealment also - proud affiliate CCWSAFE, the truly proven legal service membership company - offering dedicated legal defense heaven forbid you’re forced to use lethal force. For more info: https://keepersconcealment.com/ccw-safe
To buy a holster, sign up for a class, inquire about hosting a course or join CCWsafe, you'll find it all at https://www.keepersconcealment.com/

Evolution Security is Eric Davis, Aaron Davis and Brian Schilt; specializing in self-protection education, defensive pistol and carbine, consulting, and weapons based grappling.  Their mission is to help those serious about protecting themselves and their loved ones, become more capable though filtered information, recommended study, and highlighting their mentors who are the best in the field.   In addition, Eric and Aaron (twins) are musicians keeping with Musashi’s adage that martial artist should focus on art outside of the martial (bumper music recorded by the brothers).

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