We CAN Something About Our Immune System So That It Surpasses a Vaccine

1 year ago

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This is a TX Senate hearing on Senate Bill 1669, authored by TX Senator Bob Hall (https://www.senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=2), concerning the forced vaccinations for COVID-19.

The whole hearing can be heard here:
Part 1 - https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?clip_id=16022
Part 2 - https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?clip_id=15934

The clip we snagged from this hearing is of the testimony given by Dr. Ben Edwards, a family physician in Texas.

An outline of what he shares is found in the blog post for this video (link above).

As an update (07-Dec-2022), 80% of COID deaths are people who have elected to be vaccinated. Up until the time of the first COVID vaccines, deaths did NOT happen in public nor in the home but in hospitals (think WHO and their protocols). Now that many have given up their liberties to go along with the pressuring by government, corporations, Big Pharma, Fauci, and many others, two symptoms have become increasingly high - myocarditis and very long blood clots, both of which are fatal. The elephant in the room is the very low deaths of purebloods - those who have elected NOT to be vaccinated as well as opted to use alternative medicines like IVM, HCQ, Quercetin, Vitamin D3, Zinc, and when need Azithromycin.

You can't bury the truth - the globalists may believe they have gotten away with something but their days are already numbered. And they are a lot less than most who have opted to take the COVID vaccines...

This is a TX Senate hearing on Senate Bill 1669, authored by TX Senator Bob Hall (https://www.senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=2), concerning the forced vaccinations for COVID-19.

The whole hearing can be heard here:
Part 1 - https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?clip_id=16022
Part 2 - https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?clip_id=15934

The clip we snagged from this hearing is of the testimony given by Dr. Ben Edwards, a family physician in Texas.

An outline of what he shares follows...

Some points Dr. Edwards covers...

The elements of evidence-based medicine set the following pecking order...
- PATIENT VALUES trumps clinical expertise
- clinical expertise trumps scientific evidence

(So much for Fauci, Brix, CDC, WEC, WHO, and every politician pushing forced vaccinations of ANY kind - eh?)

As the vaccinations have failed all animal testing [none survived] as well as limited human testing and since the FDA will not recognize ANY of the vaccines as they are all in experimental stages, forced vaccinations is most likely a violation of the following...

- the Nuremberg Code
https://www.ushmm.org/information/exhibitions/online-exhibitions/special-focus/doctors-trial/nuremberg-code ( archive https://archive.ph/nSkrC )

- the U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 7
https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx ( archive https://archive.ph/Qtah0 )

- the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 3
https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights ( archive https://archive.ph/EpDZu )

- the UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights, Article 6
https://en.unesco.org/themes/ethics-science-and-technology/bioethics-and-human-rights ( archive https://archive.ph/XmiID )

From the CDC VAERS website...

- In the last 20 years, there have been 4182 deaths from ALL vaccinations while this year alone (4 months) there have been 4178 deaths reported to VAERS

- Dr Ben Edwards notes that there is a long history of underreporting of adverse reactions to vaccines:
(1) a study by DHHS and Harvard University concluded that only about 1% of adverse cases of the COVID vaccination are being reported;
(2) a 2015 study had the same results;
(3) a CDC report in 1995 noted the same level of under-reporting; and
(4) vaccine manufactures have reported multiple times that there is a 50 fold of under-reporting of adverse reactions.

- Comparison: after the 1976 SARS breakout resulted in 500 cases of paralysis and 53 deaths. the vaccines were pulled off the market. We are at 4000+ deaths (remember, with underreporting that is more likely 400,000+) and many experiencing lifelong adverse effects like uncontrollable seizures, headaches, loss of motor skills, many medical professionals and organizations are STILL pushing the need to the vaccine.

- Those with a healthy immune system and/or have already been exposed to COVID are 2 to 3 fold more likely to have an adverse reaction to the vaccines

(Note - FOLD is different [and greater in magnitude] than TIMES, not sure if Dr Edwards knows this difference...)

- Doctor/patient relationship should be treated as sacred - the patient should always have the last say, not the government.

- God has created a very robust immune system for us - don't toy with it by consuming processed, man-altered foods...

- Natural immunity is more robust than any vaccine immunity

- YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NATURALLY by stewardship of your body through proper nutrition, hydration, exercise, sunlight,... and PEACE NOT FEAR

(Understanding now why the Elite are pushing their agenda through fear? Have you EVER heard them push anything through peace?)

Mirrored from: https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?clip_id=16022 | TX Senate Committee on State Affairs, 06-May-2021
All rights belong to the People of Texas


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