A Chilling Experience of HELL - Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin (excerpt from the The New Birth - 2 CDs/MP3s)

2 years ago

JOIN US Thursday, December 8, at 12:08pm for the audio premiere of part 1 of this message: https://youtube.com/rhemakennethehagin

Faith comes by hearing. And there is something about Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin's account of desiring to share Jesus with someone who did not believe in Jesus or that there was a place called hell that grips your heart. Preaching the Gospel must happen even when some will not believe on Jesus. Remember, there are many who will.

We will share part one of this audio message with you tomorrow. We believe you should share it with everyone you know as we are in the last hour. Use every opportunity you have to share the love and salvation of Jesus Christ for ALL mankind.

You may order the 2 CDs of this message by phone: 1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484) or by visiting Rhema.org/store

Do you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? If not, today is the day to make the best decision you will EVER make. He loves you so much! To begin this awesome relationship with Him now please go to:
https://rhema.org/salvation OR
Call us at 918-258-1588 ext. 5566 between the hours of 8:30am & 4:30pm. He will change your life for good! God bless you.

DAILY MESSAGES by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin are found on our RHEMA for Today podcast here:

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*PLEASE NOTE: This content by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED by Kenneth Hagin Ministries. Please do not rip, copy, record or re-upload to this or other on-demand platforms or websites or you may be requested to remove the content, and all related content.

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