🔴 LIVE - Severodonetsk Contested Again | Combat Footage Live Review !app

2 years ago

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----- At 6pm EST Funker News Network Host @RonnieFit discusses:
- #USArmy 247th Birthday
- #Ukraine Combat War Footage
- #American Ukraine volunteers
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Footage Discussed:

Footage Section 1 -

Top Ukraine Story: The Story of the Museum Ship
- March 6th video is reported to show the U 206 Vinnitsa receiving contact from artillery in open water
- April 6th video shows the "same ship" sinking in its location near the estuary of the Dnipro. Unclear if it is
Here's the problem
- Ship was originally captured in 2014 during the Crimea annexation from Russia, but was gifted back to UA
- Over a year ago an article claimed the ship was intended to be a museum
- Ukraine claims it hasn't moved in 13-years, Russia claims it was being used. What are your thoughts?

Featured video of the night is this guy forgetting to pull his hands back after dumping a mortar into the tube: https://funker530.com/video/fail-pog-mangles-hands-dropping-mortar-round

'Mystery fire' in staging base 45km inside of Russia, near Klintsy, Bryansk region. Reports of explosions: https://funker530.com/video/mystery-fire-consumes-staging-base-45km-inside-russia/

Really interesting perspective of both a mortar team and their impact area: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-special-operations-team-mortars-russian-positions/

Luckiest Ukrainian alive takes a "rifle grenade" within feet. https://funker530.com/video/the-luckiest-ukrainian-soldier-in-all-of-ukraine/
He took the title from this guy: https://funker530.com/video/grenades-land-danger-close-to-ukrainian-soldiers-position

Kharkiv Russian command post destroyed by UA Artillery. https://funker530.com/video/russian-command-post-knocked-out-by-artillery/

First-person view goggles used with a DJI mavic, I think? https://funker530.com/video/man-plays-vr-on-ukrainian-battlefields/

Russian "Armored Train" is an antiquated way of moving supplies around the battlefield: https://funker530.com/video/russian-armored-train-gives-off-wwi-vibes/

Footage Section 2 (non-Ukraine):

Croatians roll a naval mine down a mountain into enemy forces. I said that correctly: https://funker530.com/video/crazy-croatians-roll-a-naval-mine-down-a-mountain-into-enemy-forces/
- Part of the larger Bosnian war, called a "war within a war"
- Croatian republic forces comprised of 40-50k. Bosnian republic 100-120k

NRF commander coordinating assault and performing supression duties: https://funker530.com/video/nrf-commander-controls-assault-and-provides-suppression-simultaneously

Footage Section 3:

Close range firefight between American volunteers and Russians (likely near severodonetsk): https://funker530.com/video/intense-firefight-between-american-volunteers-and-russians/

UA Foreign legion with a really dope SCAR? engaging Russians in severodonetsk: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-foreign-legion-engage-russians-in-severodonetsk-gunfight

Special forces turkey don't give a fuck: https://funker530.com/video/absurd-turkey-ignores-incoming-artillery-while-ukrainian-rushes-for-cover

Russian loitering munition appears to miss, allegedly a Kub Loitering Munition. https://funker530.com/video/expensive-loitering-munition-appears-to-miss-ukrainian-position/

****Trending Tuesday****

5: Ham-fisted assault on ukrainian trench line: https://funker530.com/video/terrifying-ham-fisted-assault-on-ukrainian-trench-line
4: Japanese destroy north korean spy boat: https://funker530.com/video/japanese-coast-guard-sinks-north-korean-spy-ship
3: Disretion advised, Russian Squad impact by ATGM: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-russian-squad-sent-flying-by-atgm-strike
2: Close-range American/Russian fight: https://funker530.com/video/intense-firefight-between-american-volunteers-and-russians/
1: Discretion advised, Russian SOF ambush UA troops: https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-russian-sof-ambush-ukrainian-troops-in-the-open

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