The Ekklesia Project - Episode 91

1 year ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
As we continue this mini-series exploring how one obtains eternal life, in this episode, we dive deeper into the requirement of repentance and how we must persevere in repentance so that the light in you does not become darkness, or the salt in you does not become tasteless, or the truth you have received is not choked out by the concerns of the world or wither due to a fear of, or intolerance for, persecution and affliction. We discuss a variety of warnings given by Jesus containing this same theme in different contexts. Then, we examine a passage where Paul shares his personal testimony of those things of extreme value in the world he left behind, as acts of repentance, with no regrets, for the surpassing value of knowing Jesus as the Christ, obtaining the righteousness that comes from God, and knowing the power of the resurrection of Jesus and fellowship of his sufferings. It is only when one “stays salty” can he bear fruit of eternal value and be rewarded with eternal life.

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