NEW YORKERS Encounter gaggle of retards at drag kween story time 6th Dec

2 years ago

Queens Library again hosted drag QWN story hour funded by Shekar Krishnan's office.

Antifa got their panties all bunched up and had to wipe away our chalk messages saying PEDOPHILES, PEDOS, WE R HERE FOR THE KIDS, STOP GROOMING KIDS, FUK DRAG QWNZ and various other things. Now WHO is the fascist??? Autista can't handle free speech. When their feelings are hurt, they whine to the cops they hate. No one was on their side but the vile staff of the library. The Queen Bitch/Bitch master of the library was over playing it. We get it. You're a virtue signaling homosexual. Whoopie. You are over playing it. Shame on your child grooming ass.

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