Why is the BBC still putting on more Mrs Brown’s Boys shows?

2 years ago

Why is the BBC still putting on more Mrs Brown’s Boys shows? With the stories about tax and cast leaving and by the looks of things the views are getting less. One wonders why it is still being put on. The first few shows were ok, but the jokes seem to be repeated each episode. One finds it strange that theNBC that seems to be left wing would be dealing with a show that has connections to tax issues and not the reports about how members of the cast are treat. It is bizarre if anything why this is still being paid for by the BBC. However I do not care as I like most no longer watch the BBC or pay the BBC license. My friend pays it because he is vulnerable and has mental health problems. Even though he does not watch the BBC or live tv he is in fear of going to prison. One wonders how many vulnerable poor people pay the BBC license simply out of fear who do not watch the BBC or live tv. Yet they say they care about the poor. Taking money from the poor in order to find the lavish lifestyle of the presenters of the BBC.

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