Satanic Cult member blows the Whistle

2 years ago


The human soul is not born compatible with a thirst for power and blood and no amount of textbook training in the art of gaining it will succeed in getting the knowledge of it "to stick." The soul will simply be unable to effectively activate such evil capacities until it has been seduced from its original innocence.

Conversely, of course, the soul that hungers for love and truth will reach out intuitively, and take into itself, the kind of instruction that will lead to his becoming a power for good. If you ever had to take a course in school that was of absolutely no interest to you, you know how impossible it is to be receptive to anything with which you are not fundamentally compatible. These human predators had to be trained.

The CIA & DoD contractors (psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioral scientists, etc.) chosen as handlers, operators, etc., for these CIA mind control programs are themselves programmed through new PSYCHO-CYBERNETIC protocols with desensitization programs using, for example, drug-assisted desensitization techniques before starting the hands-on work of brutal torture and murder of the innocent,, as everyone does who works at those top secret terror facilities must undergo.

By the time these people are finally selected for the positions of operators and handlers of mind control victims they have been carefully selected, groomed and put through a vigorous indoctrination campaign which is voluntary, of course, because it has to be, given that very few people are capable of such extreme acts of violence to begin with, especially against children, and to make matters worse it is all done for the love of money as these private contractors and the companies they work for arent 'doing it for their country'. Rather, they are doing these extreme acts of brutal violence for money and, of course, a government pension. Like vampires, their souls have now become compatible with such evil.

Let them enjoy their money or whatever benefit they obtained from such moral deprivation. Eat, drink and be merry. The Gates of Hell now await them.

Hell also awaits of all those who knowingly and deliberately help hunt down the human soul (Will, Intellect and Emotion) of their victims. God’s Word guarantees it, and anyone who disagrees with that position clearly doesn’t know the scriptures. It’s over! Don’t believe me? Call up a Holy Spirit Filled Man of God who preaches a pure gospel. Not a once saved always saved prosperity heretic preacher, but a true man or woman of God. Ask them, but tell them you are asking the question concerning someone you know, instead of for your own eternal fate, and listen to that man or woman of God hold their breath, because they will know you are lieing.


The necessary ruthlessness for such wanton brutality is implanted in them through such programming until there conscience is destroyed and any original innocence purged from their now dark souls.

No ordinary human being can originate such diabolical wickedness. Long before they were ever selected for their jobs as mind control handlers and operators, they were monitored to see if they possessed the diabolic dark spirit and demonic hunger capable of committing such horrific crimes.

Once they set out on this path of unbridled cruelty there is no turning back. The CIA would never allow them to walk away and they know it. To do so would be an automatic death sentence. They know to much. They will be called upon to become more and more cruel and ruthless, because power, money and bloodlust, to the unprincipled, is addicting.

The reason they embraced such horror and became compatible with such dominant evil knowledge is because of the seeds of trauma and violation that was planted in them early in their lives. While they were powerless in the make believe world of law and order all they could do was keep the seed watered and fed with smoldering resentment.

Recruiting them from satanic cults and secret societies, the CIA recognized their residently evil capacities and brought them to full flower as people who are members of so called secret societies are more easily manipulated, due to their cryptic beliefs, self importance and illusionary pride.

In other words they are sociopaths (hot-headed) who are programmed into psychopaths (cold-blooded) that have a propensity towards extreme acts of violence, even against little children. Without emotion. They could kill you and then go have lunch or a beer!

They think because they are part of the 'powers that be' that they and their families will be safe and protected, part of the 'in-crowd'. What they fail to understand, until it is to late, is that there is ‘No Loyalty’ and ‘No Good Guys' in the 'Black World':


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