Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-7-22: Antichrist’s Handbook - The Manual of the Global Cabal

2 years ago

Today’s Prophecy Update is going to blow you away. The information behind what I’m going to discuss did that to me. What I’m going to talk about is one of the most misunderstood documents in the world. Its source is metaphorically direct from Satan’s hand. Since the very beginning when the serpent tempted Eve in the Garden, and God uttered the curse upon him, those Words have affected the course of spiritual and human affairs from then until this very time, and will continue to do so until Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation. Genesis 3:15 says:

I will put enmity between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring;
he shall bruise your head,
and you shall bruise his heel.”

In this verse God declares that from that point forward there would be a spiritual war between the Seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. The battles fought would affect all mankind and involve the entire rebellious host in the spiritual realm. It would be physical in the flesh of man and of such spiritual significance that the souls of mankind for all eternity would be impacted. In the end, the ultimate Seed of the woman, Jesus Christ, would prevail over Satan and all his minions, both among the children of men and of those fallen in the heavenlies.

This conflict has taken many forms and Scripture gives us a solid picture of the many schemes of Satan and their results. We see his attacks on the generations of men who will eventually bring forth Christ. In these confrontations Satan has focused much of his vitriol on the Jews and the nation of Israel. There is more of that to come in these last days, but the church of Jesus Christ has also been a major target.

What I’m going to discuss has negatively impacted both Jews and Christians. It has increased antisemitism and sheer hatred for the Jewish people. It has caused both Christians and the secular world to construct what are truly conspiracy theories against God’s Chosen People. Because of the deceit believed by Christians caused by this document and how they have treated Jews, it has tainted the hearts of Jews against Christianity. It has also served to rile hatred among Arab nations toward Israel. In other words, this noxious document has been a primary source responsible for the world’s disdain toward the Jews. It points a quivering finger at Jews and appears to make them the cause for all the ills of the world. But that’s all a sham. This is the work of Satan simply continuing his ages-old effort to thwart God and His purposes.

What is this document? Some of you may have guessed by now. It’s The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

As I said, it’s not at all what it’s been portrayed. A great deception has been brought about in this document. By the time we finish today, you’ll understand that and have a completely different perspective. You’ll probably also have a new appreciation for the wiles of Satan and his devious machinations, and you’ll realize why this document is an end-times blueprint. Above all this, you’ll exult that God is on the throne and sovereign – that nothing Satan and his minions do can ultimately prevent God’s purposes from prevailing in this world.


Secret government cabal

Fall of the Cabal – Protocols

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title. In addition, the entire document for The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is provided as are my extended notes.

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