Ontario canada the definition of Inequality. Where intelligence hard work and ambition is punished

1 year ago

inequality at its best in Ontario. only place you can make 300 000 as a minister of health with no science background and not 1 course in health or science. where open corruption by politicians is allowed but donate to the tucker convoy and your assests are froze and your deemed a terrorist.
where u can have a masters degree working at starbucks while a Regional head of a corporation has a college diploma .
only place in the world where a person who has never done anything can divorce and take 70% of all you own and live like royality while you live in a shelter and work 80hrs a week
Ontario is truely a twilight zone
the more fraud and corruption you do the more you get ahead

no wondee doctors and insurance agents assume everyone lies in Ontario

so the rotten apple have destroyed life in Ontario because is collective punishment here

since the majority is corrupt and does any insurance fraud scam it can find . everyone gets thrown under that bus and when u actually need a service you cant get it bc all the fraudsters have destroyed that service

Ontario cant be saved. its beyond help

you have over half the tradespeople with fake licenses. engineering individuals have fake degrees ppl have fake vax passes everything is fake and a fraud . ppl go to the hospital for every little thing trying to sue others or make claims or do some sort of fraud God help u if you actually need medical help bc DOCTORS asssume all patients lie .

thanks again to all the corrupt ppl in Ontario who have brought collective punishment to us all

only place in the world where u can be fired as a plant manager for causing death and get bettet job

only place in the world where ppl in china can get covid19 sick benefits while you get nothing and get written up for being in the hospital- true story and under emergency measure the employment standards act did not apply

this is the center of corruption in Canada

now wonder everyone hates Ontario it is the destroyer of the country

LILLEY: Trudeau Liberal MP accuses Ontario Premier Doug Ford of heinous crimes
Julie Dzerowicz reduced the term “crimes against humanity” to a cheap political trick.

In 2012 reports confirmed 243 (43%) of Parliamentary MP's out of 650, had criminal records over a wide range of offences and included "prison terms" in some cases.

What is the situation in 2018 after the last General Election of 2016?

so almost have of our politicians are criminals

most go unpunished also so all of our politicians are criminals
MISSISSAUGA — Mayor Hazel McCallion has been involved in her second car crash in just more than a month, renewing calls for the 93-year-old to stop driving.

unreal only in Ontario

Hazel McCallion's son pleads guilty to tax violations
McCallion has 27 months to pay the $15,000, $1,000 for each of the offences he pleaded guilty to.

you see how there is a two tier system of everything in canada

no equality what so ever

who you know and whom you give side deals to

to get a contractor job at Toronto Airport a required 30k under the table deal needs to happen . i was there with my ex boss

same goes for flat roof contracts at companies in Toronto

i cant throw a stick without hitting a bigger criminal out in society then there is locked up in jail

you have ppl doing months for not cooperating with police bc they without any justification harrrased a person into a arrest
this tatic is often used to force a beating and a arrest

demand things that basically cause a escalating situation Pull over a car and you start ripping out door panels and basically destroying the car just because you want to force a arrest

yet politicians do crimes in the millions and they pay a tiny fine

this is a total breakdown of society. Ontario corruption surpasses south africa when zuma was president. it surpassed Ukraine and Belarus

no words..

justice is gone
law enforcement is as it was in south Africa or Mexico

if you know someone then you get amazing jobs with no experience or education and you beat out ppl who have spent a decade in school for that position

no words

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