What is Trump? - Milo Yiannopoulos on Timcast

1 year ago

Milo Yiannopoulos explains Trump the phenomenon, not who he is but what he symbolizes, in a way only Milo can. From Timcast IRL Nov 10th.

Genereously edited, but only for clarity and to make it more succinct. Milo was under heavy restrictions and was struggling to express himself without causing offense, so originally it had lots of "uhmm" and long pauses trying to think of words. I also edited out questions and rants from Tim Pool and the others in order to try to give Milo's point its own focus. As I think this explanation of Trump is actually quite fantastic, it projects it even to myself that is neither american nor a Trump fan.

*** Most videos are edited in the awesome Descript app, with automatic transcription, AI voices and more: https://www.descript.com?lmref=RktrRQ

Subtitles generated by Adobe Premiere, with manual editing where Milos vocabulary stumped the computer.

All credits to @TimcastIRL, go follow them.

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