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Seahorse Power Animal

1 year ago


There are 49 species of seahorses in the world. They’re found in calm coastal waters near coral reefs, mangroves, and estuaries. Seahorses have a horse like head, long tubular snouts, a flexible tail, and eyes that can see in opposite directions. Their bodies are covered with consecutive rings of bony plates while their tails are used as anchors in stormy seas. Seahorses swim very slowly, propelling themselves forward vertically using a soft dorsal fin. They rely on camouflage to ambush prey and to avoid predators.

Seahorses are very caring parents. They mate for life and sometimes swim with their tails intertwined with their partners. Incredibly, the male is the child bearer. The female deposits its eggs into the male’s stomach pouch. Then the male releases his sperm to fertilize the eggs. The male seahorse incubates the eggs by providing oxygen and nutrients until they’re ready to hatch as fully formed seahorses. When the time is right, the father has muscular contractions to expel the young fry, sometimes in large numbers.

Like a knight in shining armor, seahorses are captivating and charming. They’re self-reliant and blend beautifully into the environment Seahorses exemplify a good balance of masculinity and femininity. They’re symbols of good luck, patience, persistence, and protection. Call on their spirit when you want to be a better life partner. Visit our website for a power animal reading and to learn the power that animals can share with us. You’ll be amazed. Thank you and have a great day.


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