Occultatum Technology Obscuratur

1 year ago

A short video, from the 1950's, showcasing Technology that has been banned.
Nikola Tesla, the famous inventor of the Tesla Coil along with many other inventions, said "If you want to understand the Universe you have to think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." He spoke of being able to draw energy from the Ether, as well. Tesla had figured this out, perhaps better than anyone else in modern times. Kinda makes you think a little more about how many times we, Humanity, have been through all this before; learning the same lessons and discovering Technologies only to have it covered up and hidden from us, doesnt it?
The Nazis in Germany were also working on this Technology. Of course, we know what happened to them in Operation Paperclip. That's right. They came here, to America, and started NASA. The acronym fits well. Never A Straight Answer.
So, why has this Technology been around for so long and this is the first that you have heard of it?

I wish I had a good answer for you, but I do not. The only logical answer I can fathom is that The Powers That Be does not have our best interest at heart, knowing that if they hide Technologies like this from us, we will be forced to depend on them for our basic needs instead of our Creator so they can make money from us for the energy, and then call climate change in order to sell us their energy, and enslave Humanity for their own designs. Imagine what else they are hiding from you.

Contact me at bestifleftby@myself if you have something intelligent to say.

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