Muhammadu Buhari Boulevard” In Niger Republic Defaced With Opprobrious Graffiti.

1 year ago

Muhammadu Buhari Boulevard” In Niger Republic Defaced With Opprobrious Graffiti.

A highway named after President Muhammadu Buhari, in Niamey, the capital of the Niger Republic has been defaced with graffiti.

The 3.8-kilometer boulevard was commissioned in November by Niger Republic President, Mohamed Bazoum, together with Mr Buhari, in line with the Niger Republic’s constitutional provision.

According to local reports in the country, the hoodlums who carried out the destruction also described Mr Buhari as a criminal.

The report added that no suspect was arrested in connection with the incident.

The action came as a surprise to many, considering the cordial bilateral relations between the two countries.

In November, the Nigerian presidency quoted Mr Buhari as expressing satisfaction with the existing bilateral relationship between Nigeria and its neighbors.

A presidential spokesman, Garba Shehu, said, “President Buhari has a strong respect for our neigbours, and he understands the essence of good neigbourliness.

“Before this administration, some of these countries complained that they were not even being talked to by Nigerian leadership. We have opened up dialogue with them and it is paying off.

“We are partnering with them on essential matters, especially on security, tackling smuggling, and the importation ol weapons, so the partnership is complete,”

Recall also that the Nigerian government recently faced backlash after it reportedly purchased 10 security vehicles worth N1.4 billion for the Niger Republic.

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