2004 WRX Cobb Stage 2 VS 2003 GTI 1.8T REVO Stage 2 (with/without water-meth)

2 years ago

6 races total - 3 sets of 2:

1st set: No water/meth
2nd set: water/meth enabled (GTI only)
3rd set: water/meth enabled with +4.5 degrees timing (GTI only)

Notes: It's a little deceiving from just watching this, since the side camera is not setup. In the 2nd set of races, the WRX was still faster, he botched his launches and couldn't catch up in time due to the water/meth being enabled on the GTI. The 3rd set was actually better for the GTI (because of the timing advance), but the WRX got better launches, so you can see him pulling ahead.

The 4.5 degrees timing advanced helped a lot, it just wasn't obvious in these runs (need to make sure the side camera is used for all races in the future).

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