watch ag eat olive oil popcorn! (WARNING: no etiquette regarding food)

1 year ago

we have the best one in town
that's the same colour
the other mini coopers are still there, we notice them all
why is it calling vegging out
i'm eating olive oil popcorn
i've tried to put on weight, can't do it
muscle milk amy
my hypochondria will go away if i just get this one thing
the one thing contributes to hypochondria
trader joes means that you're trying, not going to the mainstream grocery store
3grams of protein
no etiquette about food, i'm still 5yrs old
getting robbed at chipotle would be a story tho
that mini cooper is about to leave dunkin donuts, yawl
incriminating evidence of their bad eating habits
found it problematic to be myself, so empathy was somewhat of a defense mechanism
empathy makes sense out of a lotta things
i just talked about this in a video
i do it too (obviously) fambly pushes my buttons but i can't blame them
inventing deflections
it happens in my head so
you already ate the whole bag of popcorn
man, that moon roof is nice

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