Jeremiah's Excuses

2 years ago

Excuses are really a way to try and avoid responsibilities. It’s how we try to get out of doing something we ought to do.

God called young Jeremiah to serve Him. He called on him to be His messenger. But Jeremiah was fearful. And he made all kinds of excuses. Isn’t that just like us? Jeremiah 1:4-9.

Some people are good at making excuses.
"I don't know how."
"I have something else to do."
"Someone else can do that."
"I’m not able."
"I'm too busy or too tired or too old or too young."

Ben Franklin wrote, "He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else."

Jeremiah had a load of excuses ready when God called on him to be a prophet. We can be like Jeremiah and say the same kind of things when God calls on us to follow Him.

Let’s see the excuses Jeremiah tried:

1. Excuse: It’s too hard.

God called Jeremiah was called to be "a prophet unto the nations" (v. 5).
A prophet was a chosen and authorised spokesman for God who declared God's Word to the people. A prophet challenged people about sin. And they called on people to get right with God.

Jeremiah knew that the people God was sending him to would not listen - and they persecuted prophets. They were a wicked and violent nation. It was a tough job.

This was a big God given task. It would not always be easy. Now it’s the same for us. God may give you a big task, but if He does then He will keep you going.

God told Jeremiah, Do not be afraid of their faces - for I am with you to deliver you. It could be God gives you something that may be hard to do.

And maybe we will feel like we don’t want to do it. We might feel like giving up, and saying that it’s too hard.

But - we have the promise of God's purpose. God told Jeremiah: I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born.

God told Jeremiah I knew you before you were born. God had a purpose for you before you were born. God knew Jeremiah, chose Jeremiah, and appointed Jeremiah to serve Him.

You also were created on purpose for a purpose. So, even if we might try the same excuse, It’s too hard - God's purpose is the best for us. We can trust in God's plan and purpose for our life.

2. Excuse: I am not able. Jeremiah tried another excuse. He said, Oh no, Lord, GOD! Look, I don't know how to speak. I’m only a youth (v. 6).
Jeremiah felt like he wasn’t able to speak up. Moses had also been like that (Ex. 4:10).

Even though we might feel like we aren’t able, God can help us overcome this feeling of not being able, not being strong enough. In fact it’s the one who feels inadequate who is usually the one who depends more on God. Which is a good thing.

When I feel weak, I can rely more on God. His strength is made perfect in my weakness. God’s glory works in the ones who feel weak and lean upon God’s strength.

His commands are His enablings. If God sends us to do anything for Him then He will give us all the strength and ability that we need to do it.
God always equips those He calls. He promises His help.

In verse 9 the LORD reached out His hand and touched Jeremiah’s mouth.
He told Jeremiah: I have now filled your mouth with My words". Lack of ability is no excuse. God uses not the most gifted and talented person, but the one touched by the hand of God. God uses the most unlikely people to do His will.

3. Excuse: I am too young. Jeremiah used the excuse, I am only a youth (v. 6).

Jeremiah felt that he wasn’t as able or experienced as others. It’s like he was saying, I’m not ready. He was afraid of the task to which God was giving him.

When God sends us to do something we have the promise of God's presence.

The LORD said to Jeremiah: Do not say, I am only a youth, for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you. Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you… You are not alone.
God walks with you.

His presence gives you the strength you need to stand – no matter what the test is that you face.

God gave Jeremiah the courage and the strength to obey.
And He will enable us. God will fulfill his purpose in you.

He will equip you and He will enable you. He will protect you. He will be with you.

God told Jeremiah to stop making excuses! It’s the same today. God is telling us that whatever excuse we have, they are not good enough for us to avoid God’s calling.

God is with us. He is with you. He is with me.

Wherever you go, wherever God leads you to, He will be there for you.

The story didn’t end here. Jeremiah answered God’s calling.
Though he tried a few excuses here… he eventually accepted God’s job for him. He went and proclaimed God’s message. He courageously walked the streets of Judah and showed them the way to life!

Rather than make excuses, You can say: “Here I am.”

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