Not Sales Role to Deliver Miracles

1 year ago

Sales isn’t here to deliver miracles.

But in order to align your expectations with reality in todays world we need to take the handcuffs off marketing and what they are instructed to do, by those still looking with an 1980s lense.

Marketing’s only task is to create demand.

NOT to haphazardly grab No intent lead capture.

🔴What would the key target audience need to see

🔴 Where would they need to see it

🔴Will that make it real for them? and take them to the dream state and what does that look like?

Whats the best delivery mechanism and channel for this to exist?

Sales and marketing simplified, to increase your revenue.

#ClosedCircuitSelling is one motion to create and capture demand, and remove abrasion from client acquisition pre and post sale. 

Utilising this framework, we build ecosystems for Done for you clients, removing the requirement for marketing, new business and key account management.

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

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