Discover Panama with its endless gold mines having limited reserves of deposits.

2 years ago

Discover Panama with its endless gold mines having limited reserves of deposits.
Hello friends. About 75,517 km2 and a population of about 4.3 million people, Panama is a Central American country. With a total area of ​​over 75,517 km2 and a population of around 4.3 million people, Panama is a Central American country. _You know that this nation is the owner of one of the largest canals in the world. _ _ _ _that this nation is the owner of one of the most important canals on earth . _ _ _Did they get rich as a result ?Yes and no , is the answer !and no is the answer !it seems strange , Although it looks strange , move too fast —we will find out slowly !don't move too fast -we will find out slowly !From the start 16th century, Panama, like many other countries in America, became a colony of the Spanish superpower. This isthmus soon became one of the crossroads of trade between Spain, and its colonies, including Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador... The Spaniards traded gold and silver
Panama , like many other nations in the Americas , became a colony of the Spanish superpower in the early 16th century . _in the Americas, became a colony of the superpower Spain at the beginning of the 16th century. Trade routes between Spain and its colonies, such as Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador, soon met on this isthmus.
Spanish merchants were engaged in gold and silver

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