2 robberies + 2 reactions | clerk strikes robber with pizza roller | Real Violence For Knowledge

1 year ago

CATEGORY: Robbery | Analyzed Content | Explicit content 3 (scale 1-5) - Rated NC-17

See two robberies and two different reactions.

The second robbery shows a hell of a reaction by fast decision-making. He hits the robber with a pizza roller.

I don’t earn any money with these videos, the only thing I ask is some feedback about the new style of editing. I need this new approach with more talking and face showing because of the structural deletion of my videos-channels. I think that without a face or speech, the algorithm interpreted the videos as violent without context. That is my theorem.

Some points:
- Opportunities come and go. If you need one, you need to make a decision fast.
- Mother nature is not stupid, but in certain situations, you need to control these automatic responses. Break the freeze, control your anger, etc.
- Overall, cooperation is the best thing to do during a robbery because most of the robbers are after your money, not your life. Reacting the wrong way will escalate the situation for you, coworkers or customers. There are always exceptions, and you need to see these specific signals because then it's important to act!

So I hope you like the video, and you can learn something from it. Have a great Halloween.

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Robbery 1: ?

Robbery 2:
VIDEO | Thief received a forceful blow to the head with a roller that left him crazy
October 3, 2021

The reaction to a robbery of a worker from a pizzeria located in Jardim América, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has gone viral on social networks due to the forceful blow to the criminal who was robbing him last Thursday, September 30.
The employee used a rolling pin to mold the dough with which they make pizzas to deliver a forceful blow to the head of the criminal and managed to take away the firearm with which he was intimidating him while robbing him.

In a video that was recorded by the security camera of the premises, it is observed that after the aggression against the antisocial, the two men began to struggle and it originated in a hand-to-hand fight that made the criminal flee.
According to information shared by various media in that country, the thief arrived in the company of an accomplice with whom they began to steal mobile phones from the diners, then one of them goes to the kitchen and intimidates the other workers.

The second assailant remains on the outskirts of the establishment, sits at one of the tables pretending that he is just another customer so as not to arouse suspicion and intimidates customers into staying in their place with a firearm.
The robber who was inside the kitchen of the establishment begins to approach one of the employees, who takes advantage of the fact that he is careless, takes a rolling pin and hits the criminal hard on the head, who drops the weapon.

The two fight hand-to-hand and the clerk manages to take the weapon. The cook tries to shoot but does not seem to know how to use the weapon. The aggressor tries to escape and that is when the other employees join the fight.
While there is confusion in the kitchen, the other assailant, who was outside, forces the diners to get up from their chairs and when he sees that his partner is being reduced he begins to shoot in the middle of the pizzeria and then runs away.

A regional media adds that he tried to speak with the owner of the establishment but he preferred not to comment on what happened. However, he reported that the employees are doing well and that the business is operating normally.

SOURCE: https://web.elpregonar.co/video-ladron-recibio-contundente-golpe-en-la-cabeza-con-un-rodillo-que-lo-dejo-loco/
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