Peak of Eloquence Nahjul Balagha By Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib - English Translation - Letter 25

2 years ago

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Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (x) used to write the following to

whoever he appointed for the collection of zakat and charities. “We have recorded a few portions of it here to show that he always erected the pillars of right and created examples of justice in all matters, small or big, delicate or serious.”

Move on with the fear of Allah Who is One and has no partner. Do not frighten any Muslim. Do not pass over anyone’s land so as to make him feel unhappy. Do not take from him more than Allah’s share in his property. When you go to a tribe, you should get down at its watering place instead of entering their houses. Then proceed towards them with peace and dignity till you stand among them. Salute them and do not be negligent in greeting them. After that, say to them, “O servants of Allah! The vicegerent of Allah and His caliph has sent me to you to collect from you Allah’s share of your properties. Is there anything of His share in your properties? If so, give it to His vicegerent.”

If someone among them says, “No,” then do not repeat the demand. If someone speaks to you in the affirmative, go with him without frightening him, threatening him, pressuring him or oppressing him. Take what he gives you, such as gold or silver (coins). If he has cattle or camels, do not enter upon them save with his permission because their major part is his. When you get there, do not enter upon them like one who has full control over them or in any violent manner whatsoever. Do not scare any animal. Do not tease anyone, and do not let the owner feel grieved over anything.

Divide the property into two parts and let the owner choose one. Once he has chosen, do not object to it. Then divide the remaining into two parts and let him choose one. Once he has chosen, do not raise any objection. Continue like this till only that much remains which is enough to satisfy Allah’s dues. Then take Allah’s due from it. If he contends your action, allow his views to prevail, then mix the two (separated) parts and repeat what you had done before till you take Allah’s due from his property. Do not take any old, decrepit, broken-limbed, sick or unsound animal. Do not entrust the animals except to one whom you trust to take care of Muslims’ property till he hands it over to their chief who will distribute it. Do not entrust it to anyone except to whoever is a well wisher, God-fearing, trustworthy and watchful, to one who is not harsh with regard to Muslims’ property. Nor should you make them run too much, nor should you expose them to exhaustion, nor should you over-work them. Then send us all that you have collected. We shall deal with it as Allah has ordered.

When your trustee takes over (the animal), tell him that he should not separate the she-camel from its young and should not milk all its milk because that will affect its young. Also, he should not exert it in riding. In this matter, he should deal justly with it and with all its companions. He should give rest to the [tired] camels and drive with ease those whose hoofs have been rubbed off. When you pass a water spring, keep the camels there to drink and do not take them away from a vegetated land to barren paths. He should allow them rest now then and give them time near the water and the grass. In this way, when they reach us by leave of Allah, they will be fat with plenty of marrow and will not be fatigued or distressed. We will then distribute them according to the (commands of) the Books of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet (h). Certainly, this

will be a great source of reward for you and a means to secure guidance, if Allah so wills.

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