America at the Tipping Point | The Gold Standard 2244

1 year ago

A tipping point happens when a small change causes a chain reaction leading to a significant effect. Has persistent inflation and interest rate hikes brought our economy to its tipping point?

If you’re still wondering if we’re in a recession yet, listen to this episode of the Gold Standard. The economy is bound to get more unstable as we move into 2023, as the risks of another financial crisis continue to grow. All traditional financial safety nets are weak and growing weaker. Asset values are decreasing. Social stresses are magnified by political polarization after the 2022 midterm elections. Government policies struggle to find the right balance between stopping inflation and falling off the edge. The tipping point feels uncomfortably close. Alarming signals indicate that the US is quickly approaching a point of no return. We’re talking about a financial crisis that engulfs our currency, equity, and bond markets and a deeply polarized society. How many of us are ready for it?

The financial crisis of 2008 left lasting scars on our country and millions of its citizens. Shock waves spread all around the world and caused a global recession.

It all came to a head in March of 2008 as the weight of overextended consumer credit, risky mortgages, and magical thinking became too heavy for the financial system to support. Investment bank Bear Stearns was the first of dozens of major American institutions to fail. Other financial institutions like AIG, Lehman Brothers, and GM quickly followed. The Fed bailed out the lucky ones.

There’s a sense that something has changed in the US economy. We’ve turned a corner somewhere, and now there’s a lingering anxiety about how the future will impact our savings and investments. Diversification is a way to be defensive about preserving your wealth.

Most of us have not lived through a catastrophic event like the Great Depression of 1929. It may be difficult to imagine how bad things can get with a faltering economy that can’t get back on its feet. Let’s consider the shakey ground we’re walking on now. In 1980, our national debt was $908 billion. On Monday, October 3, 2022, the US Treasury Department announced that the national debt was over $31 trillion. That figure keeps climbing up. The ratio of the US debt to gross domestic product, or GDP, is 120.75%. The debt-to-GDP percentage will go beyond 130 percent by 2026. This kind of proportion in other countries has foreshadowed significant downturns, even collapses, in financial systems.

Owning gold has tremendous advantages for many reasons. Gold has impressive resiliency in the face of turmoil. Gold is resilient against any form of disruption imaginable.

Between 2013 and 2016, the spot price of gold went down to the $1,150 range. It bounced back every time. The precious metal has proven itself to be resilient despite highly adverse environments. Take a look at gold’s track record. The steadfast reliability of gold’s intrinsic value continues to withstand market manipulations and economic trends. Gold has proven strong and resilient, two characteristics that help insulate wealth preservation from man-made calamities and unpredictable disruptions.

Liquidity means you can buy and sell gold quickly. Transactions will not impact the market. It’s easy to find a buyer or a seller. The precious metals market is unusual compared to other stocks, bonds, or commodities markets. The gold market is thin, which means the volume of gold trading relative to the total volume of gold is relatively tiny. People who hold gold tend to keep it for a long time. They’re not looking to make a quick trade like many stock and currency investors.

Gold is different because although it’s not deep by volume, parties are always willing to transact. Gold’s liquidity can become a buying panic during a financial crisis.

This episode of The Gold Standard features the Credit Suisse Gold one-ounce bar bullion product. As a favorite of Dave and Ken’s, the Credit Suisse Gold exemplifies craftsmanship and attention to detail. Ken describes the Credit Suisse Gold bar in vivid detail. He also explains why the Credit Suisse Gold Bar is a valuable and sound investment. Even within gold holdings, having an assortment of bullion coins and bars is a good idea.

Credit Suisse Gold Bars are available in various weights, but all are .9999 pure gold or 24-karat gold. The Credit Suisse Gold Bars set the standard quality and craftsmanship and are IRA eligible.

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