Deer Season Opener!

2 years ago

Hey everyone! For those of you who hunt, I hope your deer opener was successful this year! I also would encourage those who do not yet hunt, to pick up the skill and learn. There are plenty of folks out there who will help you learn.

Unlike most traditional deer hunters, I like to hunt second year doe. Why? Better meat, more fat content for venison that is already a super lean red meat. Sure, if I have the chance to shoot a 16 point buck, I'd likely take it...maybe. It's expensive to mount a head and frankly, the only reason anyone shoots large bucks, is for the trophy. I hunt for food so ensure I never have to buy meat from a big box store. Trophies are all fine and good, but it's not my motivation.

What are some of your best hunting memories?

The Freesteading ap is in the store now!



For the Freesteading Christmas Art Project, here are the rules and mailing address:

1. All participants must be 17 years old AND have parents’ approval
2. All entries should be on a single piece of drawing/typing paper; and are non-returnable
3. All entries should be titled on the back of the piece
4. All entries should have the child’s first name only on the back
5. All entries should be mailed to Spags in a plain manila envelope with the word “Freesteading Christmas” on the sealing side of the envelope.
6. Mail to:
Spags LLC
PO Box 8137
Topeka, KS 66608
7. All entries should contain a note from the parent/guardian of the participant with a statement of permission, their Freesteading handle and an email that they can be contacted at should their child win

Thanks for being a part of the Freesteading adventure! Together, let's create community!

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