3 Waves of Feminism and Ideologically captured Ex-Mormon Podcasts

1 year ago

Chris Flip and Jared talk about the waves of feminism and the exmormon podcasts seemingly ideologically captured by the ideas.

Intro: Last of Us race swap
7:17 We were asked why we don’t like Femineminism. Flip and Jared give off-the-cuff initial answers.
19:10 First Wave Feminism. Janice Fiamengo and Studio Bruhle.
24:42 Second Wave Feminism. The New Left
35:05 Third Wave Feminism. Intersectionality and postmodernism.
50:18 The biggest podcasts in ex-Mormonism all smuggle in this crap epistemology. We prefer pre-modernists.
56:42 Hoaxes for justice.
107:30 Empiricism for thee not for me. Famous ex-mo podcasts can’t not show allegiance to woke ideology even at their best 3 examples. First Bill Reel.
1:11:48 Mormonism Live Must apologize for manliness instead of staying on topic.
1:37:44 John Larsen completes the neoliberal virtue signal triforce of still signaling during otherwise ok episodes.
1:46:20 NPR and Ex-mo podcasts that try to be NPR are making fools of themselves.
1:52:30 Dallin Oaks Calling for musket Fire, Simpsons. There are no Sexes…. and You better believe or else. Who is doing the witch hunting?

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