The House of Lords needs protecting not changing

1 year ago

The House of Lords needs protecting not changing. Labour seems to want to change or scrap the House of Lords. For me the House of Lords is a safety net against populism. While the Hose of Lords may not be perfect and probably too many indeed having some person from a tv show made into a lord who seems to not be well educated seems to me a poor choice. But I am not against people being lord’s because of family background. This is still a far better option than to simply have lords voted on who will probably take the side of whatever political party they are connected to. Nor do I care if these people are push and went to a private school and have become academics. The alternative would be to have thick morons who failed at school and main achievement is to have got up the duff at school and spend all the time telling the world how they grew up in Stockport. Of course those on the left full of hate and bitterness and jealousy will always detest people who are well educated and come from a posh background. However I have often listened to members of the House of Lords and often been impressed by the thoughts they have. It is important to have a system that has educated people who can prevent foolish actions being taken. I am often less impressed by MPs who will say anything they think will be popular with the public to keep getting votes. mps who will love to be seen photographed next to some disabled or black or so on person in order to post how ‘inspired’ they are by them, so we can think they are wonderful people. People who simply want to keep being mps and will do whatever it takes so you vote for them. Worst is the new mayors who are voted in and seem to do nothing more than lots of meetings and telling each other how wonderful they are while being paid thousands in order to maintain a wonderful lifestyle. Or the local councils who find new ways t

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