How is the strongest empire in history now? | Get to know the country of Mongolia

1 year ago

the fate of the empire How the once powerful used to be strong today?the empire fate today?Learn about the _Mongolian nation of MongoliaHello friends. The Mongol Empire existed during the 13th and 14th centuries. And it is recognized as the largest empire by land in history. At its peak, it stretched from Eastern Europe, to the Sea of ​​Japan, extending into the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East, covering about 24 million km². In terms of land area, the Mongol empire ranked second. Number one is the United Kingdom, with an area of ​​35.5 million km². And followed by the Russian empire, with an area of ​​22.8 million km². History has long since passed, but the land from which the kingdom originated is still alive today.
Hallo, pal. ketiga In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, there was a Mongol Empire. Additionally, it is recognized as the oldest and largest landed empire. At its height, it covered over 24 million km2 and spanned from Eastern Europe to the Sea of ​​Japan, spreading into the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.
The Mongol empire was the second largest in terms of total land area. With 35.5 million km2, the British Empire tops the list. The Russian Empire, with 22.8 million km2, came in second. Despite the passage of time, the original home of empires is still inhabited today. Federation and the United Kingdom is now the nation with the _ _ _Russian Federation and the United Kingdom are now the nations with the

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