Oct 20, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Heaven awaits you!... Give Me now your Heart, your Life and your Trust

1 year ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2015/11/16/jesus-sagt-habt-bedingungsloses-vertrauen-in-mich-jesus-says-have-unconditional-trust-in-me/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Jesus says… Give Me your Heart, your Life & Your Trust…
Heaven awaits you…

October 20, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began… The Lord be with you, Heartdwellers. We serve such a wonderful God. He’s so amazing. Tonight He’s made some beautiful promises that I want to share with you.

He touched me in a wonderful way tonight. Tonight before I came into worship, I was being pelted with all kinds of threats about our housing. That we were going to have to leave, the owners were taking it back…and along with it came a flood of ideas on how we might be able to secure this place. We have been going through this trial almost every day.

We sought the Lord about the looming possibility of losing all we had invested here. But in the past, the Lord has told us He has something in mind and we will not be losing this house. Wow!

But imagine, every day we get attacked… ‘You’re going to be homeless any day now.’ So tonight the attacks were extremely vicious and convincing and I was starting to collapse inside. I was really starting to lose it. Then the Lord whispered in my ear…

(Jesus) “You are under attack. I’m surprised you didn’t see this.”

(Clare) So I stopped what I was doing and I came into worship, but I was very torn up inside. One side was screaming… ‘You’re going to be homeless any day now.’ And the other side was saying… ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’ Back and forth, back and forth like a tug of war. And the Lord just took me and pulled me to Himself, and embraced me tightly and held me to His heart, rocking me back and forth. I looked up at Him and tears were rolling down His cheeks.

(Jesus) “You just don’t know how much I love you, you just don’t have any idea.”

(Clare) And I could feel the fire of His love for me, and my love for Him just exploding from within me. I glimpsed inside His heart and saw before me an endless ocean of love and I was given to understand that that ocean was not even the beginning of how much love He has for us – for me and for every sinner on this Earth. And I said… ‘Jesus, anything for You, I will live anywhere for You. I don’t want to be attached to any place, I know my home is Heaven. But this place is so perfect for us and we are so rooted here.’

(Jesus) “I know, that’s one reason why you are so greatly loved.”

(Clare) He rocked me back and forth gently to Terry MacAlmon’s song… ‘We Glorify The Lamb.’ Oh, that’s a wonderful song, guys! There’s no way you can keep your feet on the ground with that song! And I heard Him say clearly…

(Jesus) “You are not going to lose this house. Trust Me. Will you trust Me?”

(Clare) Ohh…I took a deep breath, and all I could do through my tears was say… ‘Jesus I trust in You, Oh Jesus, truly I trust in You.’ Guys, I couldn’t worship anymore, I couldn’t stand or sit, I had to go lay down and just gut it out. His love was so profound, so intense, so pure and penetrating, I could not stand upright. I just collapsed in bed and He held me until I got up to share this with you.

For you who have problems and assign sexual motives to every conceivable occasion, please don’t for any moment assign any such thing to the Lord. He held me like a little child. To the pure all things are pure. If you are thinking things like that, it’s coming from you, not from Him – or me.

So, I collapsed in bed and He held me. And I thought about it, and I said, “I believe in You, Lord – but I have no idea how You are going to accomplish this. Not that I need to know.

I have thought about the Rapture. Ezekiel and I have discussed about how the Rapture could happen before they move back in. But here He is saying… ‘You are not going to lose this house.’ So, that’s a little different than if He were saying… ‘You’re going to be raptured before you could lose the house.’

I look at the firewood we have saved up for the winter and think what if we have to leave, where will we go? All I can do is confess… ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’

I don’t love Him for what He has given us, although that would be easy. I love Him for who He is. For the Beauty of His incomparable soul. Nothing, no one, in this world can compare to Our God. He is calling us all into deeper intimacy and knowledge of His love. Oh, how privileged we are in this time in history, this is a Divine Movement of His Love calling us deeper and deeper. So, after I got done writing this, I came in and said… ‘Oh Lord, please, what do you have for us tonight?’

(Jesus) “My Love is vaster and deeper than any ocean on Earth. Truly it is without end for you, My people.”

“Come, come to Me. Come rest in My Heart. Drop what you’re doing and come rest in Me. I have made a dwelling for you in My Heart, it is called Heaven. Yet even while you are still pilgrims on the Earth, I have an antechamber, beautifully adorned with gardens of spices and flowers, clear running waters, culminating in crystal mirrored lakes.”

“This is our trysting place, this is where we share and plan and talk about the issues in your life and the world. This is a place of profound peace and comfort. Yet behind the walls of this chamber, My heart is beating like a mighty locomotive, surging forward with every thrust of the engine, loving you more and more.”

“You will come to know this love in Heaven, but were I to expose it to you on Earth, you would not remain alive. And so I hide it from you. But the effects of this mighty love still permeate your world, shape your heart and perfect you.”

“So many are ready to beat you into submission to a religious spirit, void of any tenderness or love, stacked high with rules and social customs. But that is the device of men. My way is love; love so powerful that you cannot resist its attraction.”

“Love so sacrificial that I poured My Blood out onto the ground to have you with Me forever. Yes, drop by drop, I declared My Love for you. Do not wound Me with distrust, rather confess your trust often, “Jesus, I trust in You.” Oh, how I long to hear those words from you, “Jesus, I trust in You.”

“You suffer many things on this Earth, but there is no suffering comparable to losing My fellowship, unless it is the void in your hearts because you have not sought My fellowship. You have nothing to fear from Me and everything to gain. I know when you stand and when you sit. I see all your sins clearly, but I dismiss them because I have another vision of you.”

“It is the perfect and complete you, destined for glory. Destined to resemble Me in every facet of your being. Not only am I totally dedicated to your good and fulfillment, I also have the tools necessary to accomplish the task, no matter how hopeless you are about yourself. I can still do this with your permission.”

“If I can carve out the Grand Canyon, I can certainly carve out the sin and disorder from your lives and make you gloriously beautiful. Do not withhold anything from Me, My children. Give Me your all. Give Me permission to have your all and I will do the rest. I have such wonderful plans for you that, were you to sit and dream for hours and days on end, never would you discover the glorious gifts awaiting you in Heaven.”

“I will give you little clues…you know the things you’ve hidden away in your heart…dreams of what you want some day? That grand piano, that soft furry lion, that mountain retreat, that ocean estate, that ability to fly. The body that is whole, slender, and young – with all your teeth. That exquisite ability to fly and figure skate, ski down mountains, preach and teach, heal the sick, to rule and reign in righteousness, establishing justice for all men, women and children. That orchestral choir of angels, that voice that hits all the notes perfectly, those songs that glorify and worship Me and the perfect execution of piano pieces. All and much more, await you in Heaven.”

“So I ask you, merely trust in Me. Give Me your hearts, your lives, your total and unconditional trust, knowing that everything happens to you for a good reason. Because My love for you is beyond comprehension and there is a sure and important meaning to all events of your lives.”

“I am in this moment imparting Faith and Trust to those who will receive it with the innocence of a child. I have so much more for you, but all is built on the foundation of trust. Receive from Me that trust now. It is yours for the taking.”

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